

Support multiple languages in your documentation


Fumadocs core provides necessary middleware and options for i18n support.

You can define a config to share between utilities.

import type { I18nConfig } from 'fumadocs-core/i18n';
export const i18n: I18nConfig = {
  defaultLanguage: 'en',
  languages: ['en', 'cn'],


Redirects users to appropriate locale.

import { createI18nMiddleware } from 'fumadocs-core/i18n';
import { i18n } from '@/lib/i18n';
export default createI18nMiddleware(i18n);
export const config = {
  // Matcher ignoring `/_next/` and `/api/`
  matcher: ['/((?!api|_next/static|_next/image|favicon.ico).*)'],

You can also customise the i18n middleware from i18n.ts.

Hide Locale Prefix

To hide the locale prefix, for example, use / instead of /en, use the hideLocale option.

alwaysAlways hide the prefix, detect locale from cookies
default-localeOnly hide the default locale
neverNever hide the prefix (default)
import type { I18nConfig } from 'fumadocs-core/i18n';
export const i18n: I18nConfig = {
  defaultLanguage: 'en',
  languages: ['en', 'cn'],
  hideLocale: 'default-locale',

It uses NextResponse.rewrite to hide locale prefixes.

It's not recommended to use always. On this mode, locale is stored as a cookie, read and set on the middleware.

This may cause undesired cache problems on your hosting platform, and need to pay extra attention on SEO to ensure search engines can index your pages correctly.

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